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Nord AS.30L

The AS-30 was an air-to-ground missile built by Nord Aviation. It was a precision attack weapon designed to be used against high-value targets such as bridges and bunkers. The AS-30 was essentially a larger version of the earlier AS-20 design, and initially used that weapon's guidance system, which required pilots to track the weapon visually and correct its path using a small joystick, while also flying their own aircraft. All such MCLOS systems proved very difficult to use in practice. The updated AS-30L replaced this system with a semi-active laser homing system, which allows the missile to fly to the target without operator intervention. About 60 AS-30Ls were launched during Operation Desert Storm and Operation Deliberate Force with great success.

Real World against Arma
Detail Real ARMA Config Value
Weapon Type AGM weaponType = "x";
Mass 520 520 mag: mass = "n";
Warhead Mass 240 1100 ammo: hit = "n"; (Proportionate Value mass vs hit ref Mk82)
Warhead Type HE HE ammo: warheadName = "x";
Fuse Type Laser Prox NOTE: No Direct Arma value
Fuse Range 5 20 ammo: proximityExplosionDistance = n;
Seeker Laser Laser See class component type
Auto Seek Target No No ammo: autoseektarget = n; (0 or 1)
Counter Measure Immunity Med 0.5 ammo: cmimmunity = n; (Range 0 > 1)
Camera View Available Yes Yes ammo: cameraViewAvailable = n; (0 or 1)
Flight Profile Direct Direct ammo: flightProfiles[] = {"<TYPE>"};
BoreSight Angle 38 60 ammo: missileLockCone = n; (Degrees)
Max Speed (m/s) 450 450 ammo: maxSpeed = n; (n= m/s)
Min Range 0.5km 500 ammo: minRange = n; (Dist in m)
Max Range 11km 6000 ammo: maxRange = n; (Dist in m)
Indirect Hit Value 450 ammo: indirectHit = 50;
Indirect Hit Range 12 ammo: indirectHitRange = n; (m)
Maneuverability 32 G 27 ammo: maneuvrability = n; (Higher = more agile)
Danger Radius Hit N/A ammo: DangerRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI aware in m)
Suppression Radius Hit N/A ammo: SuppresionRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI suppresion in m)
Pylon/Rail Direct N/A See Hardpoint below
ARMA Class details
Ammo Mag Weapon Hardpoint
rksl_amo_as30l rksl_mag_as30l_x1_direct rksl_wpn_as30l AS30L_DIRECT