How do I change the service logo or use my own

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The "Service logos" are the Large Patch on the front Left-hand of the wheelhouse. These are usually Royal Navy or Royal Marines. But there is an empty option for those that don't want any logo showing.

You can change these in a couple of different ways.

  1. If you want to choose from the default versions just use the EDEN Attributes panel. You can choose from a dropdown menu or use the "Edit the vehicle appearance" option and choose the version from there.
  2. This is a bit more complicated. More "Old School". You can define the logo via setObjectTexture. This
    1. You need a 512x512 texture with your logo. This must have a squared resolution eg 2^x / 2^y (e.g. 16 / 16, 16 / 32, 64 / 256, 512 / 512, etc). but trust me stick with 256x256 or 512x512. It must also follow the texture naming standards
    2. You need somewhere to put the file. Either in a separate PBO or the mission folder you are creating.
    3. Once you place the LCVP, right-click on it and give it a Variable Name. eg 'mylcvp'
    4. In the same panel you will see the 'Init' box, You need to type/add: mylcvp setObjectTexture [4, "\<pathtotexture>\texture_ca.paa"];
    5. This is <variablename> command [place in the named selection array in the config, "<pathtotexture>\texture_ca.paa"]