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The IRIS-T ("InfraRed Imaging System Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled") is a medium range infrared homing missile available in both air-to-air and ground defence surface-to-air variants.

The missile was developed in the late 1990s–early 2000s by a German-led program to develop a short to medium range infrared homing air-to-air missile to replace the AIM-9 Sidewinder in use by some NATO member countries at the time. A goal of the program was for any aircraft capable of firing the Sidewinder to also be capable of launching the IRIS-T. The air-to-air variant was fielded in 2005.

Surface-to-air defence systems variants came later, with the short-range IRIS-T SLS fielded in 2015, and the medium-range IRIS-T SLM fielded in 2022. One IRIS-T SLM battery, as supplied by Germany to Ukraine, consists of three truck-mounted launchers, carrying eight missiles each (with a range of 40 kilometres or 25 miles), and a separate command vehicle that can be positioned up to 20 kilometres (12 mi) away. The command vehicle integrates multiple radar sources, and is able to launch and track all 24 missiles simultaneously. The IRIS-T SLM can counter surface-to-air missiles and cruise missiles, including low-flying, stealthy missiles such as the Kalibr.

Real World against Arma
Detail Real ARMA Config Value
Weapon Type SRAAM weaponType = "x";
Mass 89 89 mag: mass = "n";
Warhead Mass 11 130 ammo: hit = "n"; (Proportionate Value mass vs hit ref Mk82)
Warhead Type HE HE ammo: warheadName = "x";
Fuse Type Laser Prox NOTE: No Direct Arma value
Fuse Range 5 20 ammo: proximityExplosionDistance = n;
Seeker IR IR See class component type
Auto Seek Target Yes Yes ammo: autoseektarget = n; (0 or 1)
Counter Measure Immunity High 0.95 ammo: cmimmunity = n; (Range 0 > 1)
Camera View Available No No ammo: cameraViewAvailable = n; (0 or 1)
Flight Profile N/A N/A ammo: flightProfiles[] = {"<TYPE>"};
BoreSight Angle 180 180 ammo: missileLockCone = n; (Degrees)
Max Speed (m/s) 1029 1029 ammo: maxSpeed = n; (n= m/s)
Min Range 0.5km 500 ammo: minRange = n; (Dist in m)
Max Range 10km 5000 ammo: maxRange = n; (Dist in m)
Indirect Hit Value 85 ammo: indirectHit = 50;
Indirect Hit Range 10 ammo: indirectHitRange = n; (m)
Maneuverability 60 G 42 ammo: maneuvrability = n; (Higher = more agile)
Danger Radius Hit N/A ammo: DangerRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI aware in m)
Suppression Radius Hit N/A ammo: SuppresionRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI suppresion in m)
Pylon/Rail LAU-7, LAU-127 N/A See Hardpoint below
ARMA Class details
Ammo Mag Weapon Hardpoint
rksl_amo_irist rksl_mag_irist_x1_direct rksl_wpn_irist IRIST_DIRECT
rksl_mag_irist_x1_lau7 IRIST_LAU7
rksl_mag_irist_x1_lau127 IRIST_LAU127