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Vympel K-13 (AA-2 "Atoll")

The PL-2 (Chinese: 霹雳-2; pinyin: Pī Lì-2; lit. 'Thunderbolt-2') is an infrared homing (IRH) air-to-air missiles (AAM) developed in the People's Republic of China (PRC). It was a reverse-engineered Soviet Vympel K-13, which in turn was a reverse-engineered American AIM-9B Sidewinder.

The PL-2 was the root of a family of AAMs; of the derivatives, only the PL-5B was successful.

The PRC acquired an intact AIM-9B during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1958. Air combat between over the strait between the Republic of China Air Force (ROCAF) and the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) marked the combat debut of AAMs, with Sidewinder-armed ROCAF F-86 Sabres achieving notable success against PLAAF J-5s. On 28 September, a J-5 returned to base with an unexploded Sidewinder lodged in its airframe.

The PRC's attempts to reverse engineer the AIM-9B failed. The PRC transferred the missile to the Soviet Union, which agreed to share the reverse engineered product; in 1961, the PRC received technical data for and examples of the K-13. Replication of the K-13 began in 1962 with live-fire tests occurring in 1967. In 1967, Factory 331 in Zhuzhou was permitted to begin series production, but series production was delayed until 1970 due to the Cultural Revolution. In 1970, production transferred to the Nanfeng Machinery Plant in Hanzhong. Production of the PL-2A ended in February 1984.

The PL-2B was based on the AIM-9E. Development began in 1976 and it entered mass production in 1981; production ended in 1986.

Real World against Arma
Detail Real ARMA Config Value
Weapon Type SRAAM weaponType = "x";
Mass 90 90 mag: mass = "n";
Warhead Mass 7.4 100 ammo: hit = "n";
Warhead Type HE Blast Frag HE ammo: warheadName = "x";
Fuse Type Prox/impact NOTE: No Direct Arma value
Fuse Range 10m 30 ammo: proximityExplosionDistance = n;
Seeker IR IR See class component type
Auto Seek Target No No ammo: autoseektarget = n; (0 or 1)
Counter Measure Immunity High 0.7 ammo: cmimmunity = n; (Range 0 > 1)
Camera View Available No No ammo: cameraViewAvailable = n; (0 or 1)
Flight Profile N/A N/A ammo: flightProfiles[] = {"<TYPE>"};
BoreSight Angle 60 60 ammo: missileLockCone = n; (Degrees)
Max Speed (m/s) 857 602 ammo: maxSpeed = n; (n= m/s)
Min Range 1000 250 ammo: minRange = n; (Dist in m)
Max Range 3500 3000 ammo: maxRange = n; (Dist in m)
Indirect Hit Value 55 ammo: indirectHit = 50;
Indirect Hit Range 13 ammo: indirectHitRange = n; (m)
Maneuverability 20G 23 ammo: maneuvrability = n; (Higher = more agile)
Danger Radius Hit N/A ammo: DangerRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI aware in m)
Suppression Radius Hit N/A ammo: SuppresionRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI suppresion in m)
Pylon/Rail AKU-470 / APU-13MT / APU-60 / APU-60-2 N/A See Hardpoint below

ARMA Class details
Ammo Mag Weapon Hardpoint
rksl_amo_pl2 rksl_mag_pl2_x1_direct rksl_wpn_pl2 PL2_DIRECT
rksl_mag_pl2_x1_aku470 PL2_AKU470
rksl_mag_pl2_x1_apu60 PL2_APU60
rksl_mag_pl2_x1_apu60_2 PL2_APU60_2