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he Kh-29 (Russian: Х-29; NATO: AS-14 'Kedge'; GRAU: 9M721) is a Soviet air-to-surface missile with a range of 10–30 km. It has a large warhead of 320 kg, has a choice of laser, infrared, active radar or TV guidance, and is typically carried by tactical aircraft such as the Su-24, Su-30, MiG-29K as well as the Su-25, giving these aircraft an expanded standoff capability.

The Kh-29 is intended for primary use against larger battlefield targets and infrastructure such as industrial buildings, depots and bridges, but can also be used against ships up to 10,000 tonnes, hardened aircraft shelters and concrete runways.

Kh-29L (Izdeliye 63, 'Kedge-A') uses a semi-active laser seeker and has a range of 8–10 km

Real World against Arma
Detail Real ARMA Config Value
Weapon Type AGM weaponType = "x";
Mass 660 660 mag: mass = "n";
Warhead Mass 320 6500 ammo: hit = "n"; (Proportionate Value mass vs hit ref Mk82)
Warhead Type HE HE ammo: warheadName = "x";
Fuse Type Laser Prox NOTE: No Direct Arma value
Fuse Range 5 20 ammo: proximityExplosionDistance = n;
Seeker Laser Laser See class component type
Auto Seek Target No No ammo: autoseektarget = n; (0 or 1)
Counter Measure Immunity Med 0.5 ammo: cmimmunity = n; (Range 0 > 1)
Camera View Available Yes Yes ammo: cameraViewAvailable = n; (0 or 1)
Flight Profile Direct Direct ammo: flightProfiles[] = {"<TYPE>"};
BoreSight Angle 38 60 ammo: missileLockCone = n; (Degrees)
Max Speed (m/s) 611 611 ammo: maxSpeed = n; (n= m/s)
Min Range 0.5km 500 ammo: minRange = n; (Dist in m)
Max Range 10km 8000 ammo: maxRange = n; (Dist in m)
Indirect Hit Value 2000 ammo: indirectHit = 50;
Indirect Hit Range 42 ammo: indirectHitRange = n; (m)
Maneuverability 32 G 27 ammo: maneuvrability = n; (Higher = more agile)
Danger Radius Hit N/A ammo: DangerRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI aware in m)
Suppression Radius Hit N/A ammo: SuppresionRadiusHit = n; (Dist for AI suppresion in m)
Pylon/Rail Direct N/A See Hardpoint below
ARMA Class details
Ammo Mag Weapon Hardpoint
rksl_amo_kh29l rksl_mag_kh29l_x1_direct rksl_wpn_kh29l RKSL_KH29L_DIRECT